Hey y'all. So, like most of us, with summer comes rainbow flip flops. I wear my rainbows almost daily. They are easy to slip on and off and, like everything else with preppy style, look better with age.
I am lucky enough to have a part-time job and a boss who allows casual dress (which includes shorts!). Now, even though I am tucked away in a cubicle punching numbers into a database 98% of my workday, I do occasionally venture out of my cupboard and cross paths with the main boss every so often.
That being said, I doubt he, or anyone else to be frank, cares to see my toes. Not that I don't maintain the appearance of my flanges. I take pride in my feet, they are always clean and maintained, and sometimes even attractive I would say.
However, even I realize toes are almost as inappropriate as cleavage in the workplace. Both have a place and time for exposure, and it isn't at the break room.
So what is one to pair with a pressed pair of chino shorts and Brooks polo? Ideally, it would be a pair of these woven Cole Haans. Just imagining those on my bare ankles gets me giddy. But seeing as how generic grape jam is a current major food group of mine, I had to settle for a look alike. I found a pair very similar at a salvation army while looking for shorts the other day.
Before your dinner revisits you, I assure y'all that they were brand new and not worn, or so they soles
would appear to say. Either way I sterilized them and now my very VERY casual office summer look is complete.
Until I have another free night, later y'all.